Report Photo Mode

The Last of Us is considered one of the best video games of all time: famous for its deep storytelling, rhythms and strong characterization of the characters. The player takes on the role of Joel, leading him through a hostile world of hand-to-hand combat, stealth and survival phases. An experience to live and relive in this remake that connects part 1 with part 2, even under the graphic and interface aspect.
I start by saying that the photo mode of the Remastered version has been improved and new functions have been added that we are going to analyze and how to best use them. We will also have parallels with Part 2.

I will not talk about the question of whether it is a remake or a remastered, the visual quality of the graphics and the details is very high. This is the important thing because it will take you also to take the shots, if you have made them in previous versions, to new and remarkable levels. A small comparison between the Remastered version is a must to make you understand the difference. I tried to make the same shot, with the same shot but also including the new tools. The light behind Sarah, a new feature, significantly increases the shot without altering the general lighting and generating an element, the shadow on the door, which balances the shot.

Activate Photo Mode: Start and Photo mode or if you went into the options, put the flag, you can use L3 and R3 to activate it directly
Camera freedom: vote 7
The camera remains unchanged in its freedom, zoom and field of view distances. The subject always remains centered in the frame and you will have to work a lot to be able to see it beyond the center. The adjustments must be made slowly because the game polygons are hard and the shot slips if you insist. If you like working on portraits, especially NPCs, try to keep the protagonist away and use the zoom functions to get as close as possible.
A new feature added is to move forward one frame at a time while remaining in photo mode. If you find yourself in a confrontation or an eventful situation it is possible that you have not found the best moment or even anticipated. By running forward of your choice, you can gain those seconds and find the situation that works best for you. A great feature for finding the best shot.
My advice remains the same even for the remake version: where to train and learn how to use it.
Camera adjustment: vote 8
The inclination is set up to 180 ° keeping the center as a reference point without any loss of the frame. When you reach the bottom of the adjustment bar, you stop and it is not possible to continue further.

Aperture and focus adjustment: vote 9
The depth of field and its adjustment is simple, intuitive and with an excellent yield. Even if you are less experienced you will immediately understand how it works and you can use it. Keep the intensity at 100 and start adjusting the distance to what you think is important, at this point lower the intensity by focusing on all the elements that you consider important (in the end use the sharpness).
Ability to change the character: absent
I hope that in the future, perhaps in part 3, the possibility of changing or modifying the posture of the protagonist will be included. This would mark a big leap in quality for Naughty Dogs' photo mode.
Do not despair because you have the function of choosing who to keep inside the shot: you can hide the player, allies, enemies, others or all.
Brightness and contrast adjustments: vote 8
Brightness works well across the frame, bringing the shot you are going to make to very high levels. Saturation I found it as always too excessive in its settings because it takes very little to get strong colors. I would like the contract to be included in the settings in the future.

Filters: vote 8
The 20 filters are left and also the intensity: I advise you to play a lot in the adjustment because your shots will change enormously in their yield and will become unique. The Noir effect by lowering it will help you if you want to contrast and dosing the brightness.

Frames: vote 10
This time they outdid themselves.
In addition to keeping landscape ratios (2.39 or 2.75 or even 4.0) or 1: 1 shots (1.33), new formats have been included such as the cathode ray tube effect, various films and writings. Almost every frame can be colored with some pre-set colors. If you think about it, you have 39 frames with 9 different colors with a possibility of .. oh no, that's not all! Your imagination will be tested as you can also adjust the intensity of each frame. Personally I found some really superfluous, I'm talking about the funny ones, but surely someone will like them.
Logo: vote 8
The adjustment of the logo is always the same: you can position it in specific points by adjusting its size and, new addition, the intensity. Unfortunately, I would like to be able to talk about it better because I consider it the weak point of this photo mode.

Screen Effects: On-screen effects remained such as chromatic aberration, film grain and motion blur.
All adjustable as always to your liking based on the effect you want to achieve.
Vignetting: It's possible to adjust the vignetting with size and intensity. As was the case in Part 2, the size when it reaches the middle of it becomes very strong.
The new additions take Naughty Dogs' Photo Mode to the next level and take every shot to a level never before seen. There remain some technical constraints already seen and every photographer will know how to take advantage of them. If you are looking for visual quality and realistic this is one of the games that you absolutely must photograph.
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